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    Ruby has 1o champions in her blood line, Winston has 13. Five AKC generation pedigree's on both parents are available upon request.  Both parents have had AKC DNA Analysis done and are
OFA certified for their hips.


Wire Hair

Ruby was born June 2022 and is about 85 lbs. She is a loyal and loving dog, she loves to run around playing fetch. She also enjoys playing with other dogs and loves the water!!  Ruby is very smart and was very easy to train.   


Soft Hair/Wire Mix

Winston was born September 2018, is about 90 lbs and he loves to please us. He is very obedient, loves to play fetch, go on car rides, and enjoys belly rubs. He loves playing with other dogs and is also great with kids. He is very smart, and catches onto things quickly.  We are considering training him to be a Service or Companion Dog. 

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